I. Public information
- Zalakarosi Fürdő Zrt.
- 8749 Zalakaros, Termál út 4.
- Represented by: Mr. Péter Podlovics CEO
- Registered at the County Court of Zala as Registry Court with the company registration number 20-10-040042
- Tax number: 11341019-2-20
- Tel.: 93/340-420; Fax: 93/340-318
- E-mail: info@zkf.hu
- Web: www.hellozalakaros.hu
- Municipality of Zalakaros city 8749 Zalakaros, Gyógyfürdő tér 1.
- Public Benefit Purpose Foundation of the Employees of Zalakarosi Fürdő Zrt. 8749 Zalakaros, Termál út 4.
Remuneration of the General Manager:
His contract is a fix-term employment contract.
Monthly personal basic salary (for the year 2020) gross: HUF / month
Termination of the employment relationship of the general manager: in accordance with Section 13.) of the employment contract.
- Premium: the general assembly may define upon the proposal of the Supervisory Committee, the general assembly may approve upon the proposal of the Supervisory Committee, its amount is currently maximum 53% of the yearly basic salary.
- Other allowances: payment to a voluntary pension fund maximum in the amount of 5% of the gross salary (premium not included), meals allowance, amount in accordance with the laws.
Remuneration of the Technical Director:
His contract is a fix-term employment contract.
Amount of monthly personal basic salary (for the year 2020) gross: HUF / month
In case of contractual termination the period of notice is set in accordance with the Labour Code (Mt.). The amount of severance payment is set in accordance with the Labour Code (Mt.).
- Bonus: may be given, the amount depends on the financial result of the Zrt.
- Premium: may be defined, the General Manager defines, the amount depends on the financial result of the Zrt.
- Other allowances: payment to a voluntary pension fund maximum in the amount of 5% of the gross salary (premium not included), meals allowance, amount in accordance with the laws.
Disposal of bank account:
- General Manager: alone
- Financial Director and Technical Director: jointly
Supervisory Committee:
- Mr. Attila Kötő, President
- Mrs. Judit Nagyné Dr. Bazsó, Member
- Mr. Andor Végh, Member
Remuneration of the President of the Supervisory Committee: honorarium
- Monthly amount (for the year 2020) gross: 130.700 HUF / month
- Period of notice: not existing
- No financial compensation will be provided in case of the termination of the legal relationship.
Remuneration of the members of the Supervisory Committee: honorarium
- Monthly amount (for the year 2020) gross: 114.200 HUF / month
- Period of notice: not existing
- No financial compensation will be provided in case of the termination of the legal relationship.
Information obligations pursuant to Article (5) of § 2 of the Law Nr. CXXII of 2009
Public data are the following, which are valid at the day of publication:
Contracts concerning goods purchase, building investment, service order, property sale, property use, transfer of property or property rights or concession, where the value reaches or exceeds the limit of simple public procurement:
Public utility contract
Renovation of the pool Nr. II with the dome-shaped roof of the Medical Centre
Client: GRÁNIT Gyógyfürdő Zrt.
Contractor: Szabadics Közmű és Mélyépítő Zrt. 8749 Zalakaros, Jegenye sor 3.
Contract value: 642 629 796 HUF + 27 % VAT
Contract duration: 10. August 2018 – 31. March 2019.
II. Quality Management and Environmental Policy of Zalakarosi Gyógyfürdő Zrt.
Integrated Management Manual » [PDF]
III. ISO certificates
Our corporation is certified in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015.
IV. Energetic certifications
V. Inspection bodies, authorities, House Rules, notification of complaints
Inspection bodies, authorities:
- Government Agency
- Government Agency of Zala County
- Office of the Fundamental Rights Commissioner
- National Public Health and Medical Officer Service (ÁNTSZ)
- Hungarian State Audit Office
- West Pannon Regional Direction of the Hungarian Treasury
- National Agency for Data Protection and Freedom of Information
- National Tax and Customs Office
- National Authority for Consumer Protection
- West Pannon Water Direction
- West Pannon Inspectorate for Environmental Protection and Nature
- West Pannon Regional Labour Centre
- Conciliation Panel of Zala County
- Direction for Disaster Recovery of Zala County
- Labour Protection Inspectorate of Labour Protection and Administration Organization of the Government Agency of Zala County
House Rules » [PDF]
Guests may turn to the following offices with their complaints:
- Notary of Zalakaros City
- 8749 Zalakaros, Gyógyfürdő tér 1.
- Tel.: 93/540-062, 93/340-100 111 ext
- Department for Technical Approval and Consumer Protection of the Government Agency of Zala County
- 8900 Zalaegerszeg, Zrínyi M. u. 101/a
- Tel.: 92/549-070
Management of cross-border complaints: the guest may also turn to the European Consumer Centre operating in the country of his residence with his cross-border complaint.
The guest may find the contact details of the European Consumer Centre operating in the country of his residence at the EU website of European Consumer Centres' Network, http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/ecc/index_en.htm.