The guests could occupy the first roofed building of Zalakaros Spa in 1975. This date was a milestone in the history of the Spa, because the whole-year opening independently from the season could be realized as of this date and the therapeutic services on the basis of the medicinal water have been implemented. This was such an important event for the city of Zalakaros that the phrase “roofed” has remained in the name of this department until today.
There are 2 pools with medicinal water under the typical fan-shaped roof, which are very popular amongst the guests arriving for a bath cure to be healed. The building has obtained its current layout in 2013, when the relaxation area connected to the pool has been expanded, where the guests may take a rest on comfortable beds between the treatments. A cold-water pool has also been established for a light, toning swim, which is also very beloved amongst our visitors.
Our unit operates throughout the whole year, may be used with the basic ticket, the therapeutic services can be reached from here the quickest, as well as the units established in the course of each new expansion, such as the medical centre or the adventure spa. A restaurant is also available in the building and the passage to the open-air spa is also granted during the summer season.